Need Supplies? We deliver!

We’ve found that many of the followers and customers of Artisans Landscaping like to get down in the dirt and work on their own projects. For that, we commend you! That being said, we want to remind you that we have all of the landscape supplies available for all of your DIY needs.  We have all of the tools and resources needed to complete your projects (large or small).

Not exactly sure what you are looking for? In addition to supplies, we also have a friendly and on the ball staff that is willing to help you during the process. The best part is we also offer DELIVERY services so that the materials needed to complete your project will be at your finger tips. That sounds like a win-win to us!

So what kind of supplies can we help you with? For a full list of items available to you, click here.

Below is a list of our most popular items:
•    Sunny & Shady Mix Grass Seed
•    Fertilizers
•    Mulch & Landscape Fabric 5oz.
•    Tree Stake Materials
•    4” Tile, Pavers, & Accessories
•    Straw Blankets

Would a selection of fieldstone boulders make a lovely accent for your landscaping?  Are you in need of play sand for your sandbox? Maybe you might be interested in river rock or pea stone in your annual beds? Whatever your next DIY project is, let us help you! Call Artisans Landscaping at 989-662-0500 to make sure you are choosing the right supplies for your needs.

Looking to do a project that may be a little more then something you can DIY? We encourage you to take advantage of our free estimates. Using this service will make sure that your completed project is exactly what you have been dreaming of having in your yard. We would love to be part of the planning and building of your backyard oasis- “Your Landscape is Our Canvas”.